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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Today wake up in the morning seven O'clock plus.Then
later go to Sembawang Shopping Centre(S.S.C).When
me and my grandmother reached there, we are surprised
to see that a lot of people has come.The distance is from
the Shopping Centre to the carpark!!!We were the last few.
Gotta go

Blogged @ 11:30 PM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do you all know why I very long never post on
my blog?Well, it is because my brother asks me to
play that game called (maple story) again whenever
we get to play the computer.Gotta go...

Blogged @ 11:53 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, November 30, 2009

Today I have nothing much to do... So I
decided to post something on my blog
since I have got nothing to do. Thats
was what my brother told me. Gotta
go now like always. My brother wants
me to play something with him

Blogged @ 9:30 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Today me and my brother go out with my xiao gu
cause my cousin they all go to their grandmother's
house.So me,my brother went to my xiao gu's
office. For what,I also don't know.Then later we
go to a salon to get my xiao gu's hair cut.We waited
in there for very long for the porson to come.Inside
there was freezing!!! so I had to go out then go in again.

Blogged @ 1:18 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today morning go to my cousin's school go and collect her
PSLE results.She so worried about her results lohr...
If is me I also will be so worried.Now cannot write
to much cause my brother is rushing me to let him
play his game xia... Gotta go

Blogged @ 1:30 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today go cousin's house then create one new blog...
then now after posting must let my brother play
his game"maple private sever"He also ask me play
then I must play lohr(no choice) mah...so sad

Blogged @ 2:06 AM
Don't let me go -